Linked reports

Commands - Create a link to another report
dbr.url - Create a link to an external URL
dbr.button - Create a button containing a link
dbr.list - Create a list containing a link to a report
dbr.embed_object - Create a placeholder or a popup window for the linked report's content
dbr.selectlist - Create a select list for linked reports
dbr.searchable - Create a search field to get dynamic content


select '', procedure_name, [ColumnReference, ] [embed_target, ] [parameter_name=ColumnReference/ParameterReference, ...] [parameter_name*=ColumnReference/ParameterReference, ...] [parameter_name<=ColumnReference/ParameterReference, ...] [parameter_name="constant", ...] [,event=click|dblclick] [,callbefore=callbefore_function] [,append=url_parameter] [,'"menu title"'] [,show_link=expression] [html5-data-attribute] [,http_method=post], [callpopupclose=popupclose_function], [callpopupsubmit=popupsubmit_function] [plain_URL=1]
select 'dbr.url', external_url_base, 'URL name', [ColumnReference, ] [embed_target, ] [<=ColumnReference/ParameterReference to be added to base URL] [parameter_name=ColumnReference/ParameterReference, ...]
select 'dbr.button', [button text / ColumnReference ], [button class], [button wrapper class]
select 'dbr.list', [list_class], [menutitle]
select 'dbr.embed_object', embed_target [, embed_class]
select 'dbr.selectlist', default_selection, title[, 'find' [, select_class]]
select 'dbr.searchable', procedure_name[, 'placeholder text' [parameter_name=ColumnReference/ParameterReference, ...]]


The optional parameter to which the linked report is attached. If no column is specified, the linked report is shown in the link menu, which will be automatically attached to the object. Note that the ColumnReference must be enclosed in brackets "[ColumnReference]".

A ColumnReference can also be magic word row. In that case the report is attached to whole row. Any cell, execpt those containing, other linked reports, will act as starting point for the report.

When a ColumnReference refers to a crosstable's data column, the link is generated for each repeated data column in a row.

If you want to set a linked report to crosstable's horizontal summary column, you can use the format "[ColumnReference.h]"
This parameter defines where the output of the linked report is placed. You can choose to have it follow to a new report, open in a popup, open in a defined DIV within a report, or open in a new window, among other options. The 'embed_target' specifies the target embed element for the linked report content. 'embed_target' can be a DIV created with the 'dbr.embed_object' command or one of the predefined names (please only use lowercase letters without any special characters).

When the output is a DIV inside the current report and the DIV is not visible (scrolled outside the viewport), by default, the report automatically scrolls to the object to display the new data. However, if the object contains a CSS class "no_scroll_to," no scrolling will occur. If you add '[]' to the end of 'embed_target,' the 'embed_target' is created automatically, eliminating the need to use the 'dbr.embed_object' command. This is particularly useful in cases where 'embed_target' contains non-visible values. For example, a report might return JavaScript to remove the selected line.

If the target is a popup, you can add a Cancel button to a parameter popup by appending &cancel_button=1 to the link. There are also special targets available, such as popup_parameter (which opens the linked report's parameter in a popup before changing the page) and popup_parameter_new_window (which opens the linked report's parameter in a popup before opening the linked report in a new window). For more information, please refer to the Output destination of the linked report.
Refers to another myDBR report's stored procedure
Refers to linked stored procedure's / URL's parameter name to which we want to pass the value to
Value to be passed to the parameter. Different options include:
  • parameter_name=ColumnReference/ParameterReference The user is not allowed to change the parameter (p-parameter), nor is it shown in the parameter query form
  • parameter_name<=ColumnReference/ParameterReference The parameter becomes editable (e-parameter) to the user in the parameter query form
  • parameter_name+=ColumnReference/ParameterReference The parameter becomes editable (u-parameter) in the URL. The parameter is also editable in parameter form if there are parameters that trigger the parameter form (e-parameters or missing parameters)
  • parameter_name*=ColumnReference/ParameterReference The parameter is visible in the parameter query form (s-parameter), but the user is now allowed to change the parameter value
  • parameter_name="Constant" Pass a constant value to the parameter (p-parameter)
See more info on ColumnReference/ParameterReference at Referencing columns and parameters.
The linked report can be attached directly to a report table cell, enabling report execution by clicking or double-clicking the cell. This option requires that the report is attached to a column and utilizes the cell's onclick/ondblclick-event instead of the href.
This JavaScript function runs before launching the linked report. If the function returns true, the linked report is executed; if it returns false, it won't be executed. The function receives the clicked table cell as a parameter. callbefore is used when user confirmation is required before executing the linked report. For instance, if the linked report deletes the row where the user clicked, the function can prompt a delete confirmation.
When a linked report's target is a popup, a JavaScript function can be attached to the closing of the popup. The parameter can be a function name (function created with dbr.javascript or the function is included in a file) or an anonymous function definition.
When a linked report's target is a popup, a JavaScript function can be run when the popup contains a parameter form and is executed before the form is submitted. The parameter can be a function name (function created with dbr.javascript or the function is included in a file) or an anonymous function definition.
If you want to add additional parameters to the generated URL, use the 'append'-parameter. For example, if you want to make link reference to a PDF document instead of a report add 'append=&export=pdf' as a parameter.
Instead of creating an HTTP hyperlink, only the URL is returned. This can be useful, for example, when generating form action attributes.
This CSS class is defined in the user/userstyle.css file and specifies the style for HTML UL/LI lists. There are predefined classes like 'htlist' for horizontal lists and 'vlist' for vertical lists, which serve as the foundation for user customization.
This CSS class is defined either in the user/userstyle.css file or in the report using dbr.html. When the special value 'popup' is used, the placeholder becomes a popup window, enabling the use of multiple separate popups within a report.
A default selection in the select list
The selectlist will be searchable if this constant is set.
"menu title"
The menu item can be defined here if the linked report is shown in a menu.
If a PHP expression evaluates to true, the linked report is placed on the object. The expression is any valid PHP expression that can contain ColumnReferences. Determines if the link is created based on the data.
Uses HTTP POST when running the linked report. It can be used to handle texts that exceed HTTP GET URL maximum length
A link to a report can be put in a html5 data-attribute with this. By setting the string "html5-data-callback", the link to the report will be placed to a "data-callback" attribute. This allows scripts to access the link (for example, editing callback).


One of the powerful features of myDBR is the ability to link reports, enabling drill-down functionality. Linked reports can be attached to any object in a report (such as a column, table, chart, or graph) and can point to another report or an external web page

Linked reports can also be embedded in an existing report using an embedded element or a popup window. This allows for quick drill-down content without the need for users to switch between reports, and the linked report's content is fetched dynamically. To embed a linked report, you need to set the embed_target parameter.

The linking process begins with the command (or dbr.url for external sources), followed by a standard result set. When the command is used, the linked report is attached to the next result set. The parameters of the command define the linked report, including where it's attached, where the content is displayed, and any required parameters.

Linking to an external URL using dbr.url follows a similar process to with the distinction that it requires defining the visible name of the URL.

Basic use of linking:

select '', 'sp_DBR_film';

select Title, fid
from mydb.film_list

Linked report parameters

The linked report is a stored procedure that may have parameters. These parameters can be derived from the incoming parameters of the original report and/or the data displayed in the report. If the linked report has parameters that are not populated during the linking process, they will be prompted from the user.

Adding a parameter to a linked report. In this case, 'inFilmID' is a parameter for the 'sp_DBR_film' stored procedure.

select '', 'sp_DBR_film','inFilmID=fid';

select Title, fid
from mydb.film_list

Linked report placement

By default, a linked report will be attached to the object via a link-menu (the user sees an icon). For tabular reports, you can also attach the link directly to a column by specifying the ColumnReference as a parameter."

A linked report is attached to the first column

select '', 'sp_DBR_film', '[Title]', 'inFilmID=fid';

select Title, fid
from mydb.film_list

Output destination of the linked report

By default, a linked report will execute the new report, and the user's browser will display the new report. Users can navigate between the reports using the browser's back and forward buttons.

The linked report's content can also be embedded in the report using either a fixed embed element or a movable popup window. This approach benefits users by eliminating the need to switch between reports when additional information is required."

The output destination can also be a new browser window when the predefined value 'new_window' is used, or a dynamic popup can be used with the predefined value 'new_popup'.

The embed_target-parameter can also contain column references (using [ColumnReference] notation). This allows multiple embedded elements to be shown dynamically at the same time.

The embed_target-parameter has the following formats:

Will use the 'mytarget' (or whatever name you choose to use) DIV defined by dbr.embed_object command. When the user clicks the link, the content of the 'mytarget' is replaced with the new content
myDBR will automatically create a DIV with id mytarget (or whatever name you choose to use) if one is not defined. No need to create one dbr.embed_object command. Most suitable in cases where a linked report returns nothing or returns JavaScript not visible to the user.
A predefined name popup will open a popup dialog for content
A predefined name new_popup will open a new popup dialog for each individual linked window
Will dynamically create a new popup window for each ID (you can specify multiple columns). Allows identifying the popups that when a user clicks the same linked report in a different row, each of them opens up in a separate window. For example, if the ColumnReference points to customerID 1 and 2, and the target would be popup_customer[CustID], the dynamically created popups, would get the names popup_customer1 and popup_customer2. This allows the user to compare customers together in separate popups.
A predefined name new_window will open a link into new browser window
A predefined name parent_window will open a link into the parent window (can be used with iframe)
A predefined name top_window will open a link into the topmost window (can be used with multiple iframes)
When a user clicks a row, where the column reference is '2012', it will use the 'mytarget2012' as the target (you can use multiple column references if you like). If the target has not been created using dbr.embed_object, the target will be created dynamically to the end of the report. With dbr.embed_object one can determine the placement.
A predefined name inline will display the linked report in a row below the linked row. A new row is added to the table report where the content is shown. This link type is available in table reports. Use this when you quickly want to open additional information from a row without losing the user context from the main report.
When a user clicks a row, where the column reference is '2012', it will create a target myid2012 inside target mytarget. The 'myid' element is a text string making sure the id is unique. If the myid2012 element has not been created using dbr.embed_object, it will be created dynamically.
This is the same as the previous, but with an additional classname for myid2012 target. For example, 'kwn'-class (keepwithnext) makes linked elements appear side by side inside the mytarget element.
A predefined name popup_parameter. If a linked report has user enterable parameters, parameters will be asked using a popup window. The linked result will be shown in a new page. Use only with a report with parameters. If used with a linked report with no parameters, the result will be shown in a popup.
A predefined name popup_parameter_new_window-prefix. If the linked report contains parameters that need to be asked from the user, the parameters are asked in a popup-window and the linked report is opened in a new window. Use this when you know the user might cancel the report after viewing the parameter dialog so the user remains in the main report.
A predefined embedded_report_-prefix. The linked report is embedded in the current report. If the linked report has parameters that need to be asked from the user, the parameter form is shown in the report. Use this when you want to include another report into an existing report in a way that the user can re-run the embedded report with different parameters.

Optional links based on data

Links can be made optional by adding a 'show_link' parameter to the command. This parameter can be any valid PHP expression, including ColumnReferences. If the expression evaluates to true, the link is shown; otherwise, it is not displayed.

Examples of show_link are: 'show_link=[myColumn]=="disable"', 'show_link=[myColumn]' or 'show_link=[myColumn]>10'.

Links can also be made optional by adding the no_link option to the 'rowclass' or 'cellclass.' Rows or cells with this class will not have links attached. Using 'no_link' will disable all links to the defined row.


Basics of linking

We have a film list from which we want to pick one film and obtain more details from it.

The film list is shown with a simple query:

select Title, fid
from mydb.film_list

The report (sp_DBR_film) showing the details and the one we wish to link an existing report to has one parameter inFilmID which is the film's ID.

create procedure sp_DBR_film ( inFilmID int )

select description, release_year
where film_id = inFilmID;


Then we can link the sp_DBR_film-report to the existing report with the command and give the parameter 'inFilmID' value which will be taken from the user's selected row's second column.

select '', 'sp_DBR_film','inFilmID=fid';

select Title, film_id

When the original report is executed, the user will see a mark indicating a linked report and when opened, presents a list of linked reports. The name shown in the list is the name given to the report when it was added to myDBR. The linked report needs to be added to myDBR in order to it to show up the linked report list.

The list of linked reports shown in the pull-down menu depends on the user's permissions. The list shows only those reports the user has access to.

Passing multiple parameters

Linked reports can have multiple parameters, including values from the original report's parameters. In many drill-down report scenarios, some parameters need to be carried over to the next report. The following example illustrates this:

The original report has a couple of parameters itself:

create procedure sp_DBR_rentals ( inStartDate date, inEndDate date)

select s.first_name, s.last_name, count(*), s.staff_id
from mydb.rental r
  join mydb.staff s on s.staff_id=r.staff_id
where r.rental_date between inStartDate and inEndDate
group by s.first_name, s.last_name, s.staff_id;


The linked report has also parameters:

create procedure sp_DBR_rentaldetail ( 
inStaff_id int, 
inStartDate date, 
inEndDate date

select r.customer_id, r.inventory_id, r.rental_date
from mydb.rental r
where r.rental_date between inStartDate and inEndDate and r.staff_id = inStaff_id;


In order to link the report sp_DBR_rentaldetail to be called from sp_DBR_rentals we need to add that link and define the parameters:

create procedure sp_DBR_rentals ( inStartDate date, inEndDate date)
select '', 'sp_DBR_rentaldetail','inStaff_id=staff_id', 'inStartDate=(inStartDate)', 'inEndDate=(inEndDate)';
select s.first_name,
from mydb.rental r
  join mydb.staff s on s.staff_id=r.staff_id
where r.rental_date between inStartDate and inEndDate
group by s.first_name, s.last_name, s.staff_id;


The 'inStaff_id'-parameter will get its value from 'staff_id'-column from the result set whereas the dates a carried over from original parameters (parameter name in parentheses).

Output destination of the linked report example

When using an embedded element a dbr.embed_object command needs to be used to create the placeholder for the linked report's content. If the embed object contains a CSS class no_highlite the default yellow flashing highlite is not used.

The content of the linked report will be shown in an embedded element placed after the original data.

-- Will not use yellow highlite
select 'dbr.embed_object','shared_embed', 'no_highlite';
select 'dbr.embed_object','embed_with_id';

-- Will open the link to predefined 'popup'
select '', 'sp_DBR_link_location_drill', 'popup', '[shared_popup]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will open the link always to new popup. No need to declare the new_popup
select '', 'sp_DBR_link_location_drill', 'new_popup', '[new_popup]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will open the link to popup with ID. No need to declare the popup
select '', 'sp_DBR_link_location_drill', 'popup[ID]', '[popup_id]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will open the link always to same embedded object. We declared shared_embed
select '', 'sp_DBR_link_location_drill', 'shared_embed', '[shared_embedded]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will open the link inside an embedded object (ID). We declared the placeholder embed_id
select '', 'sp_DBR_link_location_drill', '[ID].kwn', '[embedded_id]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will open the link always to new window
select '', 'sp_DBR_link_location_drill', 'new_window', '[new_window]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will open the parameter form in a popup and open redirect the user to the linked report
select '', 'sp_DBR_film_detail', 'popup_parameter', '[popup_redirect]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will open the parameter form in a popup and open the linked report in a new window
select '', 'sp_DBR_film_detail', 'popup_new', '[popup_new]', 'inID=ID';

-- Will embed the report (including parameter form into the current report)
select '', 'sp_DBR_film_detail', 'embedded_report_film_detail', '[embed_report]', 'inID=ID';

select  film_id as 'ID', 
	'Shared popup' as 'Shared popup[shared_popup]', 
	'Always new popup' as 'New popup[new_popup]', 
	'Popup by ID' as 'Popup by ID[popup_id]', 
	'Shared embedded' as 'Shared embedded[shared_embedded]', 
	'Embedded by ID' as 'Embedded by ID[embedded_id]',
	'New window' as 'New window[new_window]',
	'Ask parameters in this report - redirect to new' as 'Popup - Redirect[popup_redirect]',
	'Ask parameters in this report - open in new window' as 'Popup - New[popup_new]',
	'Embedded report' as 'Embedded report[embed_report]'
from film
limit 10;

select 'dbr.embed_object','embedded_report_film_detail';

Linking to external webpages with dbr.url

The syntax of dbr.url is similar to The difference in usage is that external URL's do not have permissions so all external links are available to all users.

We'll assign a URL to the email-column (third parameter for the dbr.url) of the query. The second parameter (URL name) is used when the URL is displayed in a menu (multiple linked reports attached to a column or no link position column is specified). Data from rows can be embedded into the URL by adding ColumnReference inside a bracket in the external_url_base.

select 'dbr.url', 'https://www.mydbr/forums/topic.php?id=[topic_id]#post[topic_last_post_id]', 'Show topic', '[email]';

select u.topic_title as 'Title',
       u.user_email as 'email,
from forums.bb_topics t
  join forums.bb_users u on u.ID = t.topic_last_poster
order by topic_time desc

Will produce URL: when user clicks a email-column in a row where topic_id=158 and topic_last_post_id=686.

Linked reports and charts

You can also assign linked reports to charts. The report is connected to a chart element (bar/line/node).

The Premium/OEM version's charts support an unlimited number of linked reports per chart while

The following table represents the supported linking in charts.

Chart type Chart command ChartDirector ChartJS Graphviz
Column column C L C L  
3D Column column3d C L    
Multi-Series column mscolumn C L C L  
3D Multi-Series column mscolumn3d C L    
Stacked Column stackedcolumn C L C L  
3D Stacked Column stackedcolumn3d C L    
Stacked Bar stackedbar C L C L  
3D Stacked Bar stackedbar3d C L    
Stacked Area stackedarea C L    
3D Stacked Area stackedarea3D C L    
Line line C L C L  
3D line line3d C L    
Multi-Series Line msline C L C L  
Spline spline C L C L  
Pie pie C L C L  
3D Pie pie3d C L    
Bar bar C L C L  
3D Bar bar3d C L    
Multi-Series Bar msbar C L C L  
Area area C L C L  
3D Area area3d C L    
Multi-Series Area msarea C L    
Donut donut C L C L  
3D donut donut3d C L    
Multi-Series Column Line Double Y mscolumnlinedy C L    
3D Multi-Series Column Line Double Y mscolumnlinedy3d C L    
Meter meter C    
Hierarchy hierarchy     C L
Diagram diagram     C L
C ... Chart supported, L ... Linking supported

Simple chart linking

Charts are always based on a single selection set. The linked reports are linked to this result set's particular row.

Let's examine a simple case where a report is linked to a pie chart. The report itself is a simple one:

select '', 'sp_DBR_LinkedReport', 'vCode=code';
select 'dbr.hidecolumns', 'code';
select 'dbr.chart', 'pie';

select "First", 10, 1 as '[code]'
select "Second", 21, 2
select "Third", 35, 3
select "Fourth", 44, 4;

The report has a result set with three columns: text expression, value, and a key ID. > The linked report is called with the invisible key ID (column 'code').

The report will produce a pie chart with a linked chart attached to the slices. Column references (like vCode=code), refer to the particular row the user clicks ("Second" -> vCode's value becomes 2)

Buttons as links

Sometimes when designing a report network and there is a need to link to a single report, a direct link to another report is easiest done with a button link. A button link acts as a standard HTML button and will contain a direct link to the desired report with predefined parameters. The syntax of the button link is similar to a normal linked report with the addition of the dbr.button command. The button text can contain the linked reports name, a free text defined in dbr.button command or a column reference when multiple buttons are generated. The default CSS-class for the button is 'button'. You can add/replace this with your own class definition via a second parameter for dbr.button command. A button element is wrapped into a wrapper div, which you can style with the third wrapper class-parameter.

Make a button-link to a customer given as a parameter.

select '', 'sp_DBR_Customer', 'inCustomerID=1';
select 'dbr.button', 'Show customer info';

select vCustomerID;

This will generate a button-link to the sp_DBR_Customer report and passes the 'vCustomerID' on as an input (inCustomerID parameter for sp_DBR_Customer-report). You can see an example use of this in the demo-database.

Select lists as links

A linked report can also be attached to a select list. In the example, a linked report is called when the user selects an item from the list.

select '', 'sp_DBR_show_continent', 'inContinent=Continent';
select 'dbr.selectlist', 'Europe', 'Select title', 'find';

select distinct Continent
from demo_country;

This will generate a select list with the attached linked report. sp_DBR_show_continent-report will be run when user selects an item from the list.

Lists as links

A list link is a link used mostly with embedded reports. The list's visible text will be the first column of the result set.

A list link can be styled by a user-defined CSS class in user/userstyle.css. myDBR comes with two example styles: 'hlist' for horizontal lists and 'vlist' for vertical lists. These can also be used as a basis for the user's own definitions.

Make a list-link and show the list of continents. The second column (sum(Population)) in the example is used to define the sorting order for the list items.

select '', 'sp_DBR_list_example', 'continent', 'inContinent=Continent';
select 'dbr.list', 'hlist';

select Continent, sum(Population)
from demo_country
group by Continent
order by 2 desc;

select 'dbr.embed_object', 'continent';

This will generate a list of horizontal links and the content of the linked report will be shown in the 'continent' object.

This is an example with the list shown as a menu. By providing the menu title as a second parameter, the list is shown as a menu.

select '', 'sp_DBR_list_example', 'continent', 'inContinent=Continent';
select 'dbr.list', 'hlist', 'Select continent';

select Continent, sum(Population)
from demo_country
group by Continent
order by 2 desc;

select 'dbr.embed_object', 'continent';

This will generate a list of horizontal links and the content of the linked report will be shown in the 'continent' object.

When the user clicks the menu, it will be expanded as a selection:


Command dbr.searchable creates a searchable field and the report output is dynamically fetched when the user types the search term.

The example shows how to use dbr.searchable to fetch dynamic content. The user search term populates the first parameter automatically. You can also use dbr.searchable to find items to be added to the current selection.

select 'dbr.searchable', 'sp_DBR_search_data', 'Filter text', 'in_id=id';

select 2 as 'id';

The search report can be a full myDBR report. In the example we just search for single sample data.

create procedure sp_DBR_search_data(
in_search varchar(30),
in_id int

select 'dbr.title', '';
select '', 0;

  title as 'Title', 
  description as 'Description' 
from film
where title like concat('%', ifnull(in_search,""), '%') or description like concat('%', ifnull(in_search,""), '%')
limit 10;


Optional links

A link can be made optional by adding a show_link parameter. The show_link parameter can contain any PHP expression with column references. If the expression evaluates to true, the link is shown, otherwise not.

select '', 'sp_DBR_show_data', 'inID=ID', 'show_link=[Value]>0';

select ID, Name, Value
from mydata;

The [Value] for the first row evaluates to 0 resulting in a false expression "0>0". The link is not shown for the first row.

Download links

You can make a download link that downloads the linked report as a supported export format when you use the 'append'-parameter

Download an Excel report without any parameters

select '', 'sp_DBR_data', 'append=&export=xlsx';

select 'placeholder;

Download an Excel report and ask parameters in a popup window before downloading (a dynamic div[] idicates to myDBR to use Ajax to get the file)

SELECT '', 'sp_DBR_single', 'div[]', 'append=&export=xlsx';

select 'placeholder;